Many of these affordable homes, sold new for as little as $3,000 and were built in our Westside community. Ernie Newton, as the folks in the community would come to know him, was an enterprising man who astutely picked the right place and the right time to offer a vital service to our neighborhood.
Tankless Water Heaters
Drain Cleaning
Are your drains clogged? Then call Newton Plumbing, your Los Angeles drain cleaning experts. We get at the root of the problem to eliminate your clogged drains and prevent them from clogging in the future. Our Los Angeles drain cleaning service combines our expertise with over 60 years in the business with our fast and friendly service.
Gas Lines
Water Heaters
Feb 04, 2018
Apr 27, 2016
W. & Jj
Apr 04, 2016
M. & J. A.
Mar 19, 2016
Josh K.
Feb 12, 2013
Donald Marsh
Feb 16, 2012
Peter Tinoco
Jan 30, 2012
Timothy Haynes
Jan 30, 2012
My landlords called tripping out because our water bill was $2000 for the month. We had no clue why it was so high and our landlords regular plumber was out of town. So we called Newton Plumbing. The lady on the phone sent someone over right away and the problem ended up being my neighbors in the back, and there was a pipe leaking in his shower behind the wall.
Jeffrey Queen
Jan 24, 2012