Our service is better than any other, and once you work with us, you will never turn to another company again. To offer you an outstanding pest control service, we only work with highly qualified professionals, who have substantial experience in the field.
Accurate Pest Control is a reputable pest control company that will offer you the residential services you need. Based in Las Vegas, NV, we are qualified and well-equipped to take care of your needs in a timely, efficient, and professional manner. In business since 1995, we are capable of handling problems with ants, bees, spiders, crickets, roaches, mice, and rats.
Pest Removal
Is your home invaded by unwanted guests that create such damage and cause health problems to your family and your lawn? If you want to get rid of such a problem, all you need to do is contact Accurate Pest Control and let our pest control providers deal with your situation. We have been in business since 1995.
Michael Tita
Jan 02, 2021
Sep 18, 2017
Apr 27, 2017
When my wife and I had our first child, I turned my backyard into a playground. Recently, I noticed that there were some kind of flies in one of the yard corners, and I decided to take a closer look. Those flies turned out to be bees, and I immediately started looking for a professional pest control service provider.
Oct 17, 2016
I am absolutely terrified when it comes to touching, let alone seeing, bugs of any variety. To my misfortune, a squad of cockroaches persistently annoyed me for more than a month, and I began looking for someone who could perform a professional pest control service. A friend of mine had your contact details, and I am glad that he shared them with me. Thank you for your efficient work!
Feb 24, 2016
Jul 03, 2015
My sister's apartment was run over with roaches. In the course of five days, we tried using bug sprays, roach chalk, and a bunch of other products that proved to be of little use. It was more than clear that in order to deal with this menace, we needed someone who could perform a proper pest control service. We are very grateful for your services, you did an amazing job!
Hubert Palmer
Jan 15, 2014
Daniel Yarbrough
Dec 16, 2013