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Bed Bugs
Many of us can remember being tucked in by our parents at night with the saying 'good night and don't let the bed bugs bite'. Most of us never knew what a bed bug was or have ever been bitten. Bed bugs, for the most part, were eliminated from our homes and hotels by the chemicals the pest control professionals had pre and post WWII.
It has been said that Ants have been around for about 100 million years! They have evolved a unique set of behavioral and physiological adaptations. They are able to discover food quickly and efficiently. A lone ant begins with leaving the nest in search of food and keeps track of her compass bearing to home.
The roach that most people associate with filth is the German Roach. It is the most difficult to control and the most common household roach pest. They are most generally found in the kitchen and bathroom, however; in large infestations we have found them in all rooms of the house. It is also the insect that is most generally associated with commercial kitchens or dirty homes.
The issue is that if you expect to go to the hardware store and pick something off the shelf - even if it has scorpions on its label or in it's name you are not going to be successful. If you hire someone who is only interested in spraying as many houses a day as possible - you're not going to be successful. If you think this animal is an insect - you're not going to be successful!
Marlon Call
Apr 06, 2016
Cliff Jones
Mar 04, 2016
Sheila Beckett
Feb 09, 2016