Additionally, 24-hour emergency services are available, even for roadside lockouts.
When you've been locked out of your car or truck, getting back out on the road is your number one concern. At El Candado Locksmith III, we understand that having a prompt and effective car locksmith can make all the difference in your day. We are available to meet you roadside or on-site to unlock your car, truck, or RV, 24 hours a day.
When you are locked out of your home, there are a million things running through your mind, especially if there are children or pets inside. At El Candado Locksmith III, we want to alleviate your stress by promptly responding to your calls and being on time. We service all types of home lockouts in El Paso, TX, and surrounding areas.
Albert G.
Jun 06, 2022
Never worked on my lock. I took a cylinder lock to have a key made and was told it would be finished the next day before 12pm. I did not have to make a payment until the day of pick up. The next morning I arrived at 10am and one of the key holders, an employee I had dropped off the cylinder lock with, was just getting there to open up shop. He, nor anyone else that worked there, had attempted to work on my lock. It was still sitting on top of the cash register as it was on the day I dropped it off. I took it back with me and went elsewhere
Gabriel Montes
Apr 14, 2022
Rosie Leyva
Jan 11, 2022
Amber Mejia
Nov 18, 2021
Andrea Salinas
Aug 29, 2021
Alejandra Perez
Mar 31, 2019