We provide prompt pest and termite inspections and treatments for property management companies, realtors, home inspectors and individuals and guarantee both the best job as well as the best price for any of our services.We also do roof inspections and repairs as well as mold testing and remediation.
We work with many wholesale contractors to enable us to perform any type of construction or repair project at very competitive rates to enable our clients to conveniently solve any problems while maintaining lower costs and speedy completions.
There are six different types of termites here in South Florida but most people believe that if their home has been treated for Drywood Termites, they are covered for all termite damage. This is not the case. 95% of termite damage in North America is caused by the Subterranean Termite which thrives in underground moist environments. These termites are swarming early this year.
Jun 22, 2019
Smile Miami
Mar 05, 2016
Reva Small-Marshall
Sep 22, 2015
Jessica Hill
Aug 31, 2015
Christopher Iskierka-Boggs
Jun 26, 2015
Mike Cordova
Jun 25, 2015
John Gonzales
Jun 12, 2015