Arizona Solar Wave has over 16 years of experience in the field - experience that we proudly offer to our clients! Today there is an array of federal and state tax credits and utility rebates for consumer to take advantage of - simply start by taking our Rebate Incentives Test.Arizona Solar Wave has a team of professionals that will consult directly with you to meet your needs and we will work hard to help you maximize the energy efficiency of your home while reducing costs.
Water Heater
Clay & Darlyne Withrow
Nov 29, 2017
To whom it may concern, Arizona Solar Wave recently installed a solar hot water heater in our home, at the same time we elected to also have them install a hot water recirculating system in order to eliminate the water wasted while waiting for hot water to arrive at the desired faucet. Everything works perfectly and the complete system was installed in about 6 hours.
Gary Loutzenheiser
Jan 15, 2017
To Whom It May Concern: It was a pleasure to work with Steve Carlson from Arizona Solar Wave as he presented and thoroughly explained the program for our new Solar Hot Water System. My wife and I both found Steve's presentation informational as he explained the installation process and the tax incentives provided.
Randy Jadlot
Dec 20, 2016
Russell & Alice Petersen
Aug 07, 2016
My wife and I purchased a solar hot water heating system and had it installed in Sept. of 2009. We have a family of seven and we had been looking for ways to cut some of our utility expenses. I started doing research on the Internet and reading about solar hot water heating systems. After researching all the companies in the Phoenix/Arizona market.
Steve & Linda Yerik
Dec 31, 2015
Dear Chris & Steve, Just wanted to let you both know how pleased we are with our Radco Solar Water Heating system! Love that hot water at no electricity cost! Thank you so much for the professional job done on the installation. Everyone on your installation team was so courteous and professional. It was a pleasure have them around.
Tea Mick
Feb 23, 2015