We also strive in using the most eco-friendly products that are not only safe on the environment but safe for children and pets. Our combination of extensive research on products by directly talking with the manufacturer and adding proven results on a residential and commercial level has sustained Sunset as a reputable carpet cleaner in Portland Oregon, California and Hawaii.
Area Rug
Sunset Carpet Cleaning has been in the eco-friendly cleaning business since 2001, before it was quite so cool to be green! We have spent years researching the best non-toxic carpet cleaners for our customers in Vancouver Wa and the Portland Metro. Our system uses natural cleansers followed by a thorough rinse, resulting in spotless carpeting with zero lingering toxins.
Pet Stain Removal
Sunset Carpet Cleaning specializes in eco-friendly Pet Stain Removal. Accidents happen, but you don't have to use toxic chemicals to effectively remove pet stains and odors. Our all-natural cleaners are citrus-based and always followed by a thorough rinse, ensuring that surfaces are safe for your pets (and the rest of your family) immediately after cleaning.
Sunset Carpet Cleaning is proud to bring eco-friendly Tile Cleaning solutions to the northwest, servicing customers in the Portland Metro and Vancouver Wa. We have been specializing in 'green' cleaning options since 2001, working directly with manufacturers and rigorously testing products for safety as well as effectiveness.
Sunset Carpet Cleaning offers eco-friendly Commercial Carpet Cleaning in the Portland Metro and Vancouver Wa area. We have been in business since 2001, providing customers with safer, 'green' options since before it was trendy. We provide both residential and commercial services, and we clean most types of carpeting, tile floors, and even furniture.
Megan Jacobs
Jun 29, 2022
Steven Greene
Oct 13, 2019
Maria Smith
Aug 06, 2019