We earn the trust and loyalty of our customer's by informing the client about all aspects of job completion, offering competitive prices, leaving a job site clean, and fully standing behind our work by putting our guarantee in writing. Our shop is centrally located in San Diego and is close to all major freeways.
Slab & Wall Leaks
Underground water leaks are extremely dangerous because they can cause additional, unplanned settling of the soil on your property. If the leak is under the building's slab foundation, it can cause the building to sink and jeopardize your safety by compromising the structural integrity of the entire building.
Water supply lines are pressurized, meaning that water is applying a constant amount of force to the inside of the pipes that guide it to a final destination. This pressure is what allows water to come out of your fixtures in a constant stream but it, along with the scouring action of the water moving through the pipes, takes its toll and causes wear and tear.
Sewer cameras are essential in diagnosing problems in your drainpipe system if you are experiencing repeated difficulties with your drains. The most common drain problems that can cause damage in and outside of your home are tree roots, broken drain lines, separated drain dines, off set drain lines, low spot or bow in the pipes, etc.
One of the best solutions Top Quality Plumbing, Inc. offers is a service called Hydro-Jetting. This is a high-pressure system that flushes and cleans your pipes increasing the efficiency and flow of your lines. It removes grease, sand, debris, and other buildup that occurs frequently in drain and sewer lines.
Bobi Pixley
Jul 10, 2013