When Rudy is not out killing bugs, he is on his boat. Rudy is also a Vietnam Veteran and has experience with automotive work and printing.
Bed Bugs
Most householders of this generation have never seen a bed bug. Until recently, they also were a rarity among pest control professionals. Bed bug infestations were common in the United States before World War II. But with improvements in hygiene, and especially the widespread use of DDT during the 1940s and '50s, the bugs all but vanished.
It is often difficult to determine the difference between termites and ants. When termites swarm they are often misidentified as flying ants. This is a common mistake because termites look very much like ants. Most termite soldiers and workers are white or light colored with the soldiers heads being a darker amber color.
How do you know if you have bedbugs? Got an itch? Seen a bug you don't recognize and what are bed bugs anyway? Bed bug expert Lou Sorkin from the American Museum of Natural History and two very busy pest control operators join Howdini's Kimberly Austin with everything you need to know to how to tell if you have bed bugs.
Jeff Marshall
Apr 21, 2016
Janaya Harris
Apr 19, 2016
Donna & Joe Cragin
Apr 18, 2016
Stacey McCarthy
Apr 15, 2016
I've been using Cedarwood pest control for years for all my clients needs he's always on time he's always honest and in his report's. I've had him go out for termite jobs and he's told me no charge because there are no termites most guys would not do that they would say there's termites and treat it it's so good and refreshing to find someone that's honest.
Franshell Jean
Mar 26, 2016
This was horrible service. I called for roaches and he came out and sprayed and gave me dry poison to throw down as well. Told me it would take 5 weeks to notice completely notice results because I needed to wait for the eggs to hatch and the babies had to walk through the poison but within the time, I should see dead roaches.