Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are nothing less than Nasty! these menacing creatures are even more annoying in the sense that, as well as being an insect species living in your house these bugs attack you. An infestation of this species will show a cluster of these insects mixed in with there feces and bed bug eggs it is a gross sight.
Roaches are insects that are totally adapted to residential living. These pests are right at home in your kitchen, bathroom and basement. They are excellent hiders and you see them as they are scavenging for food. We at Nedd Exterminating know the discomfort and embarrassment these pest bring. We offer a low cost total effective program against these pest.
Don't you hate it when September comes around you're cooking breakfast and through your peripheral vision you could have sworn you saw something dart across the floor? It could have been a mouse. In the month of September Detroit's climate begins to change, that's when the annoying pest begin to look for shelter. Nedd Exterminating will give you a free inspection for these pests.
Nedd X is a premier pest control company that has earned the reputation for using intense pest control treatment that results in total pest eradication. We follow a 3 step process. first, we do a thorough inspection. Second we apply intense treatment using a 3 chemical combination when necessary. third we do a follow-up.
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are small, brownish, flattened insects that feed solely on the blood of mammals. The common bed bug is the species most adapted to living with humans. Bed bugs prefer to hide close to where people sleep (look very closely). Bed bugs are active mostly at night. Detroit offers favorable conditions for bed bugs. You will almost always find them close to where people sleep.
Brittany Fenbert
Mar 05, 2016
Jeremy Verdusco
Nov 13, 2015
Wayne Austin
Nov 07, 2015
Valtina Tate
Nov 02, 2015