With a goal of 101 locations, Security 101 and it's talented, proud Team101 members continue on their quest to to dominate the security industry with technological innovation and fanatical customer service.
Certified Security 101 installation specialists and technicians streamline the deployment of security hardware by maintaining partner communication and equipment readiness. Our team leverages its expertise by providing all system testing, certification and compliance required to uphold to your organization's policies and procedures.
Integrated Systems
Security 101 understands that as technology develops, we must adapt to ensure that systems will be compatible in the future. We always use non-proprietary hardware and software that is open platform and compatible with existing systems in your organization in order to maximize productivity utilizing a seamless experience.
Intrusion Detection
Security 101 provides the latest intrusion detection and alarm system technology equipped to secure your facilities and protect your buildings' integrity. With the integration of security cameras, door contacts, motion and sound sensors, and communication control equipment, you can prevent dangerous or illegal activity as well as protect against the loss of property or inventory.
Video Solutions
Whether you have no surveillance, legacy analog systems or high definition IP cameras, we are proud to offer integration services and expert maintenance for virtually any business, including global enterprises. Security 101 designs and installs best-in-class equipment from leading manufacturers while providing education and training to empower you to utilize and manage the system.
Secure your profits with an efficient access control system designed by Security 101. Loss of confidential information and valuable assets to burglars can threaten the integrity of your company. Unwanted visitors with intent to harm can endanger your employees and customers. It's important that your facilities have controlled access to ensure the safety of all.
Robyn Mendez
Jul 05, 2017