Knowing how great homes function, we'll often encourage the architect team and homeowner to consider additional options - changing a small window to a glass door, which frames the view of a majestic Canary Island Date Palm or shifting a wall one or two inches to accommodate a tile pattern in the bathroom-- it's like having another architect reviewing your plans.
You purchased a historic home for a good price, but it needs substantial repair? October 5 can help you restore your historic home and bring it to contemporary comfort and safety standards. Historic renovation or preservation is a complex project that seeks to conserve and/or modify built structures of historical significance.
Landscape designers focus on integrating natural and urban structures; they often work in an interdisciplinary fashion and draw from diverse disciplines like architecture, geography, civil engineering or botany. Generally speaking, landscape design includes master landscape planning of a property as well as garden design of landscape elements within it.
October 5 operates on the Design-Build principle, which means both the design and construction are managed by us. We provide a single point of responsibility (one-stop shopping.) October 5 is responsible for the entire project from beginning to completion, this reduces overall risks and costs. Design-build construction is an alternative to design-bid-build construction.
A home is more than just a house, it is the center of your family's life. A custom home is based on a unique vision - it meets your specific needs, represents your aesthetic style, and reflects a special meaning for you. October 5 specializes in designing and building custom homes in Southern California that last for generations.
Solange Riley
May 06, 2017