GreenbergFarrow has worked in every state, every major city, and countless smaller communities throughout the US. Our international experience includes projects in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the Middle East.
Our professionals are licensed in all 50 U.S. States, and various territories, as well as Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom: Specializing in mixed-use, retail/commercial, residential, hospitality, industrial, historic/adaptive re-use, and sustainable developments for the private and public sector, GreenbergFarrow's list of clients includes an impressive array of some of the nation's most prestigious developers and residential and retail clients.
Our professionals are licensed in all 50 U.S. States, and various territories, as well as Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom: Specializing in mixed-use, retail/commercial, residential, hospitality, industrial, historic/adaptive re-use, and sustainable developments for the private and public sector, GreenbergFarrow's list of clients includes an impressive array of some of the nation's most prestigious developers and residential and retail clients.
Interior Design
Reviews (1)
Tammy Frye
Feb 20, 2019
Really Frank Duncan? Best Architecture Firm in Atlanta? You have been an Architect there since before I started work there in 1994. I would like to request Essie to personally ask his client base to provide a Rate and Review. An employee's rating and review of themselves is a conflict and shouldnt be necessary.