can assist you every step of the way. We know where to invest in your home to make it more desirable when it comes time to sell. Don't make those costly mistakes when you have experts to guide you when needed. To find out more in-depth educational information just go to the navigation bar and pick from the residential drop down menu and choose what subject interests you.
Business details
- Year established: 2003
AllTex is a full-service roofing company offering the highest quality commercial and residential roofs in Dallas/Ft. Worth. Quality installations, competitive pricing and outstanding customer service are three areas that help maintain success for AllTex. We are licensed, insured and a proud member of the Better Business Bureau.
Understanding fiber is key to understanding carpet. It breaks down easily into two major categories, synthetic carpet fibers and natural. Natural carpet fibers are derived from animal or vegetable sources that are processed further to make yarn. Cotton and jute are the primary vegetable-based fibers while wool is the most popular of the animal-based variety.
A new wood deck provides a warm, handsome connection with the outdoors, adding to a home's beauty and setting the stage for a world of outdoor activities. But decks take a lot of abuse, both from use and through continued exposure to the harsh Texas weather. After a few years, they become weathered and unfriendly without proper care.
Stephany & Jeff Becott
Sep 23, 2017
Dr. Abraham Armani
May 30, 2016
Gary & Andrea Townson
Nov 28, 2015