Hawaii Solar Pros Our group of extremely trained and specialized installers are right here to help. We specialize in industrial, residential, military and government photovoltaic (PV) installation, upkeep, engineering, funding, permitting, design, and assessment. We likewise provide skilled counsel on energy integration, tax rewards, loans, devices supply and system monitoring.

Helping Companies and Residents of Honolulu reduce energy usage and reducing their electric expense has been our goal over the past decade. We offer a risk-free complimentary, no obligation, low cost service to any person dedicated to saving cash and lowering the toll on our natural resources.
Solar Water Heater
Hawaii residents - Knowing that solar power is readily available to us (especially with the escalating issues of existing supplies of energy and absence of prolonged accessibility) is assuring. Existing sources in the way of nonrenewable fuel sources are believed to be diminishing and alternate sources have to be sought. Solar power is a regular renewable energy source.
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