We believe in providing great service to our customers, a great buying experience and a good value at the same time. We understand that these islands are small, and a good job done well will go a very long way. Ask for some references to speak with some of our satisfied customers.
Business details
- Year established: 2007
- Licensed
Solar Fans
Another great way to reduce the temperature in your building is to add Solar Powered fans to the roof. As with skylights being a licensed roofing contractor we can install a solar fan and offer long leak warranties so the solar fan do not leak. Imagine that you can have a warranty for the roof and solar fan from the same contractor. No more pointing fingers between contractors.
A lot of our customers have skylights on their home and businesses. For a minimal cost we can change out skylights if they are old and leaking. As a licensed roofing contractor, when we do replace a skylight we offer long warranties so the skylight doesn't leak. Imagine that you can have a warranty for the roof and skylights from the same contractor. No more pointing fingers.
One of our main specialties is Cool Roofing. A Cool Roof is a industry term that describes a waterproof roofing membrane that reflects heat off the building. The Climate in Hawaii is perfect for Cool Roofing. Typically Cool Roofs are liquid applied or they come in a large sheet which is installed over the building.

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