Rated 3 / 5 from 6 reviews
High Plains Architects High Plains Architects creates an architecture that is influenced by the region in which it will exist. It is an architecture that responds to the opportunities of climate, available materials, cultural traditions, and functional necessity imposed by its place, making it a truly regional architecture.

High Plains is deeply committed to 'green' or sustainable architecture. For us, it is essential to create responsible architecture that understands the renewable and respects the non-renewable resources of the region. We provide innovative solutions for resource conservation by utilizing existing or salvaged materials and resources, and transforming neglected buildings and neighborhoods.
Historic Renovation
We love old buildings because of the stories they tell about where we came from and who we've become. Old buildings have unique character, just like us! For High Plains Architects, renovating, rehabilitating, and restoring even the most dilapidated of buildings is the obvious first choice; demolition is rarely a necessary option.
We believe a vibrant urban fabric is defined by its buildings and spaces, as well as its people. We design commercial spaces that create opportunity for its users and the community as a whole. Whether we design a new office building or adapt and renovate the old corner store, we strive to breathe new life into each commercial space we design.
We design homes, not houses. Beginning with our very first project, a residential remodel, High Plains Architects has designed residential spaces that reflect the people who live in them. For the owner, they are unique yet comfortable. They don't brag or impose. For the community, they are friendly, welcoming and good neighborhood stewards.
Drawing upon decades of experience, High Plains Architects works on projects ranging from residential to commercial, from civic and educational to industrial. Our capability ranges from individual residential to multi-family and mixed-use, multi-story structures.
Sustainable Design
No matter what type of building we are designing, High Plains has consistently put its sustainable design values into practice, resulting in projects that are unsurpassed in the region in energy efficiency, water efficiency, use of salvaged and other green materials, and through the use of renewable energy sources.
Reviews (6)
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Todd Israel
Jun 03, 2021
Critical: Quality They drew plans for 1 bedroom apartment and shop. They charge 8,000.00 for very poor job. They charge by the square footage not complexity. Contractors said I was over charge for lack quality in these drawings
Patrick Parker
Apr 21, 2021
Excellent design firm, great people, and impressive portfolio. Their projects are unique and innovative and their awards wall is quite full, a testament to their process from beginning to end. This is a truly remarkable architecture practice that is very environmentally conscious and forward-thinking. Keep up the excellent work!
Noelle Florez
Dec 06, 2019
I would NOT recommend High Plains Architect's. Quickly after signing our initial contract for a code analysis I realized I had chosen the wrong firm for my project. The main architect working on my project, Emarie Skelton, lacks the basic skills needed to complete her job. Not only did Emarie submit plans to the city without client authorization but she made significant changes to the building plan with out approval first.

A city inspector found her dimensions on said floor plan and the actual measurements of the building to be wrong. After paying for a full code analysis our first plans submitted to the city were still returned with 20 comments. I find that unacceptable. The very first comment being "please provide a dimensioned floor plan, we will not scale the plans that are not annotated with dimensions" How does one submit architectural plans without dimensions on it?!?

After addressing said comments on the first plan review all Emarie and I spoke of the changes we needed to make and she told me she would resubmit. Find out later with the second set of submitted plans, that were approved, that along with the submission she had about $3500 worth of proposed projects to change to the building WITHOUT my knowledge. At this point in the project we are over their "gracious estimate" of 30 hours by 31 hours, and the project is still not complete.

I hold High plains Architects, Ed Gulick, And Emarie Skelton accountable for there lack of standard of care. When Both Emarie and Ed were asked about the many issues on the project I found both unapologetic and with no remorse to the time and money their colossal mistakes have cost me, my business and my family.
Justene Marie
May 20, 2019
Great owners and I love all of the eco-friendly buildings they build! Tracy lofts, the library, good earth market, and more!
Jeffrey Butts
Jan 07, 2019
Fantastic company working hard to promote and execute sustainable community and prosperity! Great group of people
Lyle Wright
Dec 31, 2016
The buildings are in need of repair and one block from the railroad tracks making it a noisy place to be!